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When betteries AMPS GmbH was founded in 2018, it was a matter of the heart. We wanted to do our part to address climate change and bring clean energy to those in need. 

At the end of 2022, when attacks on Ukraine’s civil infrastructure have left millions of people without access to heat, electricity and water, it was clear that we wanted to help. betteries founder Dr. Rainer Hoenig, together with Dr. Thomas Gnefkow and Andrii Gladky joined forces and initiated with the help of WE AID gGmbH the project Ukraine2Power.

The project aims at providing and servicing a decentralized power supply as quickly and directly as possible at neuralgic points of critical civilian infrastructure like hospitals, schools and kindergartens. The focus is on rural regions, small and medium-sized towns, which have hardly received any aid so far and accordingly have the greatest need.

Achievements so far

The first systems were already delivered to the hospital of Nethyschyn at the end of 2022. Since the first proof of concept delivery we have established 3 clusters, serving in total over 20 neuralgic points. 

With the batteries provided, for example this hospital in Nethyschyn was able to return to a 24/7 operational capability for the hospital emergency unit, the reanimation unit, the maternity ward, and the baby incubators.

How you can support

We are convinced that our help should not end here. The people of Ukraine continue requiring our support. With your help, we can establish more power clusters and get prepared for the next winter to come. 

Donate your desired amount via We Aid gGmbH

Every donation counts!

You would like to support us in a different way? We are continuously looking for new collaborations opportunities.

Get in touch at or call us at +40 30 7543 87440 and let’s exchange ideas how we can help!


Elena Giesen

Annika Hoenig

Annika Hoenig

Additional information

betteries blogposts:

Video of the first delivery at the end of 2022.